Monday, September 3, 2007

8-5 Mon-Fri

I have a job now. I work as a secretary at Nelson's Woodcraft. They sell neat Catholic stuff. Basically, I answer phones, process orders, ship ALL the products, and charge credit cards and whatnot. Its a full day, it flies by more often than not. The work enviroment is usually laid back, I can wear flip flops to work. It's great fun.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Beer and Cake

Actually, I don't really like beer, I just thought it sounded better than booze and cake, or wine and cake. Liquor and cake doesn't have a nice ring either.
Anyway, here's a big piece of cake for me, because today is my 21st birthday. Cheers!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Stuff 'n' such...

What a crazy week it has been, and its not even halfway through! Crazy as in major socialization. I'm so glad that I'm finally getting to know the awesome families out here in Steubie. I have discovered that I have awesome neighbors, the Welkers(sp?) Wicked nice family. They have 7 children, which is cool when I feel like this neighborhood is waaay too quiet. I'm sad though, because our other neighbors are moving away, the Starks. I love their girls. :(
Anyway, this week is also busy because Fr Paul Dumais is here for the conference this weekend at the Fran, Defending the Faith. We're going to dinner at the Rylands(the family he stayed with when he went to school here) to see him and also 3 ladies from Maine who are staying at our house for the weekend. Really cool. And, apparently I have the honor of cooking dinner for Nick and his house guest, Dave Armstrong! Hes a famous apologist, so I'm kind of nervous about making him a meal. I hope he likes chicken.

Oh, and this has nothing to do with socializing, but it needs to be mentioned.

I have four tomatoe plants now. FRESH VEGETABLES ROCK!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Chores and EWTN

So earlier this evening, I was ironing my husbands shirts and watching Mass being said on EWTN on my computer, and I thought to myself, "Man...this is the life." I usually don't look forward to chores, I will be the first to admit that. But when I actually get into doing them, I like them! It's so strange to think that I was completely content doing housework. The more I tend to things that could definantly be thrown into the category of drudgery, and seen as unfullfilling, the more I see how that isn't always true. I find that when I do dishes, or laundry, it can be very theraputic! Maybe it's because, like people claim, it is not intellectually stimulating in itself. I don't that that is such an awful thing! It allows me to put aside the noise and distraction of being on my computer(EWTN doesn't count, 'cause its awesome), which is what I tend to do to spend my time sadly, and do some serious introspection. It allows for me to examine how I am going about my day. Could I be kinder to my husband? How will I practice patience when I become a mother? How can I love God more today?
I hope that I can always remember that my vocation is so meaningful, and that dish by dish, I can become holier and get my lousey self to Jesus in Heaven! :)

Monday, July 9, 2007

Dissident Views Giving You Tummy Troubles??

Here is some relief! Nice post Curt Jester!

Stomach cramping your style

Have you identified yourself as a progressive Catholics and have looked forward to every issue of the National Catholic Reporter and other organs of Catholic dissidents and yet feel yourself moving towards obedience to the Church! Do the words "institutional Church" just not come out of your mouth the same anymore? Is the sneer when you say "hierarchical Church" just not what it was? Do you feel yourself even warming to Pope Benedict XVI and even found his book Jesus of Nazareth brilliant? Have you actually read the documents of Vatican II and actually see the purported spirit of it was a false spirit?

Have you found progressive ecclesiology to be defective and ultimately it leads only to confusion and to everybody being prophetic, but no one being obedient? Have you experienced any of these signs and yet your stomach starts to ache when you even think about obedience to the official teaching magisterium of the Church? Just the thought of a Mandatum still would give you an ulcer? That "Religious submission of mind and of will" makes you grab for a bottle of Pepto Bismal, but to no avail?

Nobody says that obedience is easy, but there is a way to make it easier! The problem is caused by exposure to too many column by Fr. McBrien, Gary Wills, and the like and a resistance to orthodoxy that shows itself in a upset to the stomach lining. This is a common mind-body response that unto now you just had to offer it up!

Introducing Milk of Magisterium from your local Latin Rite Aid.

Milk of Magisterium is primarily used to relieve that upset stomach when your will aligns with the will of the Church. Milk of Magisterium immediately starts acting on tiny bacterial critters know as dissidentium. Often times this can also result in painful cramping and severe diarrhea calleddissentery.

Milk of Magisterium is dosed at approximate 500mg to 1.5g in adults and works by simple dissidentium neutralization, where the Magisterium ions combine with progressive and acidic dissidentium bacteria producing progressive antibodies that works to root out disobedient bacteria and relieve any dissentery.

A half an hour after taking a dose try reading Dominus Iesus and if you experience no stomach upset than you know Milk of Magisterium is working! If you can subsequently say "The liberalization of the Tridentine Rite is a great idea" than congratulations you are cured. If you still have a stomach reaction try prayer and another dose of Milk of Magisterium.

Now to be honest if you are already faithful to the Church and just experience nausea reading some progressive Catholic articles, you don't need Milk of Magisterium - this is a normal reaction.

Milk of Magisterium also works as a Paxative bringing peace to you system by destroying dissidentium and letting you come to have the joy of not only being faithful to the authentic (accept no substitutes) teaching authority of the Magisterium, but also the joy of digger deeper into the plentiful mysteries of the faith.

So stop by your local Latin Rite Aid for a bottle of Milk of Magisterium and put problems behind you.


Ask a doctor before use if you are still subscribing to dissident magazines or are a member of groups such as Call To Action.

Do not use with contraceptives - severe moral interactions will occur.

May cause alertness making you realize just how silly some of your previous views really were. Best if taken with a high dose of humility.

If pregnant or breastfeeding: Congratulations!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Rage about a Lost Penny

I love this piece, I wish I could play it like this kid.


Saturday, June 2, 2007

Greece vs Germany

This one is for my husband.

Friday, June 1, 2007

What if...

...George Lucas directed the Lord of the Rings trilogy?

Yeah I was pretty much laughing my tush off.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Making people...

Keep the cape. I'll make people.

Well, help, anyway.

I'm not going to presume to point out that society as a whole has given reproduction a bad rap. It's pretty obvious everywhere you look, everything you hear from the talking heads, even the looks on peoples faces when you say, "Party of 8," to the hostess at Friendly's.

So many people medicate to sterilize themselves, to sterilize their own marriages even! Children are not seen as a gift, they are seen as a mere commodity. Maybe it isn't that black and white. Sometimes sweeping generalizations are not appropriate. But how can something be seen as a gift when you only allow that gift to be received on your own terms? Seems kind of like a downer.

I dunno, I wish I could understand what is going through someones head when they are pumping themselves full of these synthetic horomones in order to disrupt something that is perfectly healthy and natural. We have this amazing ability to bring a new soul into this world, wouldn't we treat that part of ourselves with a little more respect? I think that it is so easy to take that for granted. How many people go and get fertility treatments in order to regain this power? This super power! It really is a super power. Just because everyone else has the parts to do it, doesn't make it any less of an amazing thing.

My husband and I can make people, and so can you. :)

Friday, May 25, 2007

A young girls romance...

I know that there are critics of the Therese movie, but I still cry when I watch it.

For a few years now, I have had a special place for The Little Flower in my heart. My husband and I both love her very much. We met on her feast day, October 1st. She has made her presence known in our lives many times. Once, when I had finished reading The Story of a Soul, a beautiful red rose grew in front of my home in Maine, after we had had a frost.

St Therese, help me to be more like you, simple, small, and little. Help me to be a good wife, and someday, a good and loving mother. Amen.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

A day in the life, of a Student

Mad props to Joshua Houde on this one.
One of my friends brothers made a wicked funny video. Its about Franciscan University students pursuing eachother and the awkwardness that follows...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Life, meet Devotion

Let me start off saying how blessed I am to have married a man with such an awesome library. It is going to take a while to read all of books, because I think I want to read about 97% of them.

One book that I have been gobbling up is Thy Will Be Done by St. Francis de Sales. The book consists of letters he wrote as a spiritual director to various people. I love these letters, because they are so timeless. What I mean is, despite the fact they were written 400+ years ago, it doesn't make the spiritual direction given in these letters obsolete. When I read them, I feel as though he could have been writing to me! This book has helped me immensely to work harder at being better in my day to day life.

I had felt a little lost after the frawkus of the wedding and our move had settled down. Here I am, in a new state, far away from everything I've ever known. Someone is bound to feel a little displaced in that situation. I spent a lot of time surfing the web while Sean was working, otherwise wasting a lot of precious time that I could have used for far more fruitful purposes.

By and large, I stumbled across St. Francis de Sales book mentioned above. I couldn't and still can't stop reading it. He urges everyone, in all walks and vocations in life to live devoutly. I think that I have the tendency to go through my day and not talking time to spend time with our Lord. How foolish! Is there really any other way to live our daily life? How much happiness are we forfeiting when we neglect to give our day and the tasks that go with it to the Lord? Is it so lofty a goal to live a truely devout life? I think that daily drugdery is no excuse for letting my prayer life fall to the wayside. It seems kind of silly really. If I am to live a normal life as a housewife, why should I waste the precious time I have been given by becoming "busy" with daily chores of running a household? These are wonderful opportunities to offer every little thing I do up for the glory of God!

Those who are simply good people walk in the way of God; but the devout run, and when they are very devout they fly. - St. Francis de Sales

Saturday, May 12, 2007


I am having loads of trouble with this blogging thing. I cannot seem to figure out what a meaningful post would contain. I feel like if I were to type out an entry, it would be nothing more than my random thought pattern spewed onto this massive public billboard of a concept we call a blog. I suppose most people would post articles and comment on them, muse about the higher spiritual things in life, or talk about their day. My guess would be that the reason I am having so much trouble is because I want my posts to be something unique.

Oh well, I think I'm going to go back to drinking my day-old coffee. (though I could wait for my husband's batch to be ready. Waste not...etc)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

New blog

Hello, I just started this blog on a whim, so I don't have anything interesting to post as of now, but I'm sure something will come up.
