Saturday, January 16, 2010


I think God is blessing me today, as it is 45 degrees on this mid-winters day. That's our German Shepherd, "Puppy" looking outside. I have a bunch of windows open and we have turned off our heat! With weather like this it makes me yearn for spring, only a few more months to go until then. *smirk*

I was musing on how much I enjoy the outdoors, nature is such a wonderful gift and I don't appreciate it enough. Sunlight has a very large effect on my mood too, I think it's very important to get sun while its out. I realized I might have a vitamin D deficiency, which could account for my foul mood since the dead of winter hit. Even if you just stand in a window for a few minutes, it can be very beneficial.

Our little family is going to go for a nature walk on the WV Panhandle trail later this afternoon, I'm looking forward to getting some excercise, breathing some fresh air, and soaking in some much needed sunlight! :D

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A new year

Well, its 2010. I can't believe I remember the past decade so vividly, being 23 and all. I'm sure my older peers will laugh at me for talking about it with such wonder; glad to give someone a chuckle.

So this year, I have resolved to actually get started on some hobbies. Benedict doesn't take up my ENTIRE day, he is actually pretty low maintenance. I've actually gotten wicked excited to start our container gardening full force this year! I was a timid gardener last summer, so I'm going to plant what I want and hope for a moderate harvest when the time comes.

I plan to plant as follows: Impatiens (shade flowers, 5 types), lavender, begonias, dill, chives, sage, cilantro, basil, oregano, thyme, Italian parsley, marjoram, rosemary, sweet cherry tomatoes, 2 types of heirloom tomatoes, red peppers, jalapeƱos, snap peas, green beans, summer squash, radishes, pansies, and nasturtiums.

All of these will be planted in different containers all over our little rental property. I don't expect everything to thrive, but I am hoping for a lovely "garden" this spring to fall growing season. I'll be posting my progress as the year continues.

Have a Blessed and Holy New Year!