Friday, May 25, 2007

A young girls romance...

I know that there are critics of the Therese movie, but I still cry when I watch it.

For a few years now, I have had a special place for The Little Flower in my heart. My husband and I both love her very much. We met on her feast day, October 1st. She has made her presence known in our lives many times. Once, when I had finished reading The Story of a Soul, a beautiful red rose grew in front of my home in Maine, after we had had a frost.

St Therese, help me to be more like you, simple, small, and little. Help me to be a good wife, and someday, a good and loving mother. Amen.


Kathryn said...

The stem from your rose is still standing tall in front of the house. Isn't that wild?

Therese said...

I love the scenes in the convent. I usually end up crying too.
(Or did, before the dvd got scratched, but that's another story....)