Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Chores and EWTN

So earlier this evening, I was ironing my husbands shirts and watching Mass being said on EWTN on my computer, and I thought to myself, "Man...this is the life." I usually don't look forward to chores, I will be the first to admit that. But when I actually get into doing them, I like them! It's so strange to think that I was completely content doing housework. The more I tend to things that could definantly be thrown into the category of drudgery, and seen as unfullfilling, the more I see how that isn't always true. I find that when I do dishes, or laundry, it can be very theraputic! Maybe it's because, like people claim, it is not intellectually stimulating in itself. I don't that that is such an awful thing! It allows me to put aside the noise and distraction of being on my computer(EWTN doesn't count, 'cause its awesome), which is what I tend to do to spend my time sadly, and do some serious introspection. It allows for me to examine how I am going about my day. Could I be kinder to my husband? How will I practice patience when I become a mother? How can I love God more today?
I hope that I can always remember that my vocation is so meaningful, and that dish by dish, I can become holier and get my lousey self to Jesus in Heaven! :)

1 comment:

Amy M. said...

So I guess cleanliness really is next to godliness... ;-)

Great post, Lor :-)